Email to DHH from Hao Chen

发布于 — 2023 年 03 月 04 日

  • 作者:atom


from: DHH

to: Hao

March 4, 2023


Hao 给 DHH写的信

from: Hao

to: DHH

Feb 16, 2023


我叫陈皓,来自中国,是一个云计算工程师,曾在 AWS 和阿里云工作。 我是您的忠实粉丝,并按照您在 Rework 和 Remote 书籍中所提倡的那样,用小型远程团队做大事。

我看到了你的博客 - 为什么我们要离开云我们在 2022 年的云支出,我对此感到非常兴奋,希望这封电子邮件能找到你。

我和你的理解完全一样,正在努力为客户提供一个开放的、低成本的、高可用性的、没有供应商锁定的云服务。 在我看来,AWS、Azure、GCP是IBM/Oracle的其他版本,不开放,对基础设施甚至开源项目都建立了很高的技术壁垒。 所以,我创立了MegaEase,试图让云技术开放、免费、低成本。



今天,我们有一个MegaEase Cloud平台上线,它可以帮助人们在任何云端甚至私有数据中心部署、监控和运行高可用的开源服务。


此致 浩

Hello David,

My name is Hao Chen from China, I am a Cloud principle engineer used to work for AWS & Alibaba Cloud. I am your big fan and practice the small remote team doing the big things as you advocate in the Rework and Remote books.

I saw your blog - Why we’re leaving the cloud & Our cloud spend in 2022 and I am so excited about it, and hope this email finds you well.

I have exactly the same understanding as you and am trying to provide the customer with an open, low-cost, high availability, no vendor lock-in Cloud Service. In my opinion, AWS, Azure, and GCP are other versions of IBM/Oracle, they are not open and they build high technical barriers for infrastructure even for open-source projects. So, I founded MegaEase ( to try to make the Cloud technology open, free, and low-cost.

“Leaving the cloud and self deploy cloud native” is quite a challenge, so, I think 37Signals’ experience is a big asset for others, if you think this is hard, then other people would be impossible to do this.

I want to learn from your experience and try to turn it into a practical solution/product and let other people can do the same thing likes you.

Today, we have a MegaEase Cloud platform online, which can help people to deploy, monitor and operate the high availability open source service in any Cloud even for private data centers. We helped a customer in China to save their Cloud cost from $4M to $1.5M.

So, I not only want to learn from your experience, I want to have your guidance, and even more in-depth cooperation.

Best regards
