给FI CEO写信并公开

发布于 — 2023 年 05 月 29 日

  • 作者: Atom


经过几次沟通无果,我给他们的CEO Jonathan Greechan 发了linkedin消息,简单说明事情,以及📧 附件:与FI 和Megan 的几封邮件。

如果FI不想让事情变得糟糕,就给一个积极的回应。 一周后还没收到CEO 回应,那么我只好公开这封信和事情过程了,原文如下:

А letter to FI CEO

Hi Mr. Jonathan Greechan,

I regret to inform you that I have to withdraw from the FI program and request a refund.

  1. I entered Germany as a Ukrainian refugee background, Due to complicated bureaucratic procedures, it is hard to obtain work and residence permits, I could not carry out long-term business plans in Germany and would have to leave in the near future. Therefore, I requested to withdraw in February 2023 Spring program in Berlin;
  2. The FI user control panel did not clearly inform me how to refund, I applied for the Denmark plan again, but was rejected by Megan & the Admissions Team, it is said that I miss the final refund date, I don’t understand why and what’s the problem.

Megan didn’t consider the difficulties I was facing, and there was no space for negotiation. She just responded forcefully"By our policy, no refund, continue to participate in other plans. If drop out again, pay another fee."

  1. Hao Chen, the founder of MegaEase, passed away due to a sudden heart attack on May 13, 2023, we lost an important partner and friend https://en.pingwest.com/w/11725

A series of unexpected changes caused my living situation to worse. I don’t give up and continue the job, but I had to change plan, anyway, I have no will to join in FI again.

Megan & the Admissions Team responded to my requests with arrogance and apathetic attitute which similar to an email bot, I can expect that the FI management team are not kind, the path of FI will be difficult.

There are other paths in life, Why should I be forced to join a startup incubator that lacks human care? What qualifications do you have to be my mentor?

If FI doesn’t want the situation to be bad, please give me a positive response.

Attachment: Emails with FI and Megan

Yours sincerely Atom